Amazing isn’t a strong enough word for how delicious this salad is! I used black rice because I saw it at Costco one day and thought I would try it. It’s cheaper than wild rice and is a change of pace from my usual brown rice. It cooks up a deep purple color and the rinse water turned purple right away. I’ll admit that the first time I opened the bag, it looked like I had bought 3 lbs of mouse turds. But that’s the last time I will mention that.
This recipe is gluten free, dairy free, soy free, egg free. And definitely fitness plan friendly.
The recipe is for one serving, but you can multiply it as many times as you like for additional servings.
Black Rice Chicken Salad
1/2 cup cooked black rice
2 oz cooked chicken, flaked
1/2 small avocado, cubed
1/2 oz chopped almonds
3 baby carrots, sliced
2 Tbs chopped celery
2 Tbs green onion, sliced
2 tbs chopped bell pepper (red would have been beautiful)
2 Tbs craisins
dash salt
1/2 tsp stevia blend
1 Tbs lime juice
Toast almonds either in a skillet or for 90 seconds in the microwave on high. Stir everything together and enjoy. I ate mine right away, but I imagine it only gets better chilled.
1 recipe has 498 calories; 25 g fat (from the almonds and avocado);26 g protein; and 34 net carbs (11 grams of fiber!) You can reduce the calories by halving the amount of almonds and avocado. Replace the volume with fresh copped veggies. This saves 187 calories and 11 g of fat.
P.S. I’m still working hard at my Fit Yummy Mummy nutrition and exercise program–but while the busy holidays are upon us, I’ll just highlight the best of the new recipes I’m creating–instead of writing down everything I eat. I think I’ll go back to that eventually since it really does help. I do tend to eat a lot of the things I enjoy most over and over.