If you’re new here: On Fridays I share a few frugal things I did during the week. Then in the comments you to share a frugal thing or two you did during the week. If you are a blogger feel free to link to your Frugal Friday post in the comments and we’ll come check it out.
- Remember that office plan for Darren? To make that work for him I need to buy a leather chair ($1,500), an oak executive desk ($900), an 8×10 rug ($700), 2 locking lateral filing cabinets ($600), a 42 by 36 picture frame with glass ($65), and a royal blue velvet moroccan pouf ($200), for a grand total of $3,965. There are a few other expenses too (like wood for the build in bookcases, flooring and the optional tv and tv cabinet.)
I’m not in a hurry to start this project since I have a few other rooms I’m working on. On the other hand, Darren really needs a space to be organized in. So I started looking around the web on craigslist for affordable options. You’ll never guess what I found?!!!!
There was an office having a business closing auction. I got those locking filing cabinets for $16 each or $32 instead of $600. All they need is a new coat of spray paint (since they are putty colored now, and I have my heart set on white.)
The executive desk was $60 instead of $900. It just needs a coat of blue with black glaze in the details.
The giant picture frame for the dry erase board was only $6.
Then Craigslist had a leather chair for a mere $50. It just needs a coat of leather stain to nudge it a little more golden brown instead of reddish brown (for $6.)
The area rug was on sale 80% off for $156!
I found a sewing pattern for the moroccan pouf on Better Homes and Gardens. I haven’t settled on fabric for it yet, but my mom is looking in her stash for something that might work and I have old towels and batting on hand to fill it.
My grand total: $304 for a savings of $3,361
It’s your turn. Inspire us with some of your frugal activities this week.