Basement Makeover Pictures!

Our Basement has been in "finished" mode for awhile.  I broke my camera and then made a big mess of the family room when cleaning out my storage room, so was embarrassed to show you pictures!  My mother in law, Bonnie, came over yesterday and helped me organize everything and put it away.  I have been blessed with a fabulous family!  And now I can take picture. For a detailed description of what we did during the makeover, see the blogpost here:

I took a video of the new basement, but watching it made me seasick. I just couldn't put you through that. Then I found out how to take a picture from a frame in my movie!  Voila! 

The new basement's not perfect, but it is so much better than it was before.  Here are the pictures:

Family room before Makeover After Sewingroom before Sewing Room After

This part isn't new, but I wanted to show you our sewing machines!  I got a new one and gave Heidi (who's 9) my old one.  It was my first machine (age 15), a rock solid Janome, and I had it all cleaned and calibrated for her.  Now we can sew side by side, and occasionally little Heather (5) takes her turn too.  She's pretty good at staying on the lines while sewing on notebook paper.

Heidi's and Mom's sewing machines 

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