I first figured out this worked on a desperate day when I didn’t have a kitchen. The no kitchen season of our lives lasted almost a year and I relied on my slow cooker and electric griddle for making almost everything.
Since then, I’ve reused this method changing the seasoning to suit the dish. Taco seasoning for batch taco meat. Italian seasoning for pizza or spaghetti.
Place up to 6 lbs of frozen ground beef and into the slow cooker. Add 6 cups of water. (The water is just for broth, if you don’t want broth you can reduce the water to 1 cup.) For flavor, add 2 finely chopped onions; 1 Tbs of salt; 1 tsp of garlic salt; and 1/2 tsp black pepper.
If the lid won’t close. Don’t freak out. Wrap the gap with aluminum foil. After about an hour the lid will push down.
Cook it on low overnight, or on high for 4-5 hours. The beef won’t form crumbles as it cooks, but don’t worry. It will be awesome in a minute.
Use a colander and bowl system to drain out the broth. If you chill the broth, any fat will harden on the top and can be easily removed.
Use a huge fork or a potato masher to break the meat into crumbles. This also works if you put portions into freezer bags and mush it around with your hands–just like we did with the chicken yesterday.
Ready for the freezer!

I have a bad back, so it is hard for me to stand at the stove. This recipe is very helpful, I can’t wait to try it. The beef has to be frozen, though? It can’t be fresh?
I’m glad it helps you! It can be fresh, but will cook faster. Yay for that! I’m not sure how much faster but I’d started checking it 30 minutes early.