P.S. (You can still enter the ebook giveaway at the post previous to this one.)
I’ve been getting a lot of emails lately asking for more information about Fit Yummy Mummy. I don’t mind at all, but there’s so much to say that It’s worth writing a post about. First, here’s my before and during pictures. The picture farthest to the right was taken this Sunday. I won’t reach my fitness goals until March, but every day is better than the day before.

I first found Holly, aka Fit Yummy Mummy, from a youtube video. I might have been searching for smoothie recipes–I can’t remember. Anyway, I was impressed, but skeptical. I found her webiste and was taken back by how long her sales page was and when I tried to exit, a pop up came. You know the “Wait, wait, don’t go” kind of popup. Those types of things make me wonder how legitimate a business it is.
I continued to haunt her on youtube and finally shot her a personal email. I just found out I was pregnant with baby #6 and was determined not to gain 50+ lbs again. But I knew I needed help. She gave me the standard answer. Don’t diet while pregnant. Eat healthy foods. After the baby’s born we can talk about weight loss. Grrr.
Fast foward. Grant is born after I gained 50lbs…again. And I received an email from one of my subscribers that said she broke down and bought the FYM ebook after I mentioned it and LOVED IT! Really? I promised myself as soon as I sold enough products to pay for the book, I’d buy it. It was right after I got home from Family Camp and had to find enough fat clothes to pack for the week. It was frustrating and I didn’t like how I looked in our memory pictures. Plus, I tired easily. Dragging all that extra weight around was hard work.

Babies are worth it, but a lot of extra weight is no fun.
I couldn’t wait to download her book and once the purchase was made, I was shocked at how much stuff I got. It was an ebook of over 100 pages, plus exercise videos, plus a meal planning guide, plus a quick start guide, plus, plus, plus. Her stuff made sense. It is current on the research for the best ways to loose weight. I could do it with grocery store food and basic home equipment like a stability ball and dumbbells. I could use protein supplements if I wanted to, but I didn’t have to. She promised the exercises only took 15 minutes a day. I could do this.
The e-book package came with a one month free membership to clubFYM (after the first month there is a subscription fee that you can cancel at any time), where Holly posts her new workouts every month plus pops in to give advice and encouragement daily. Even better it’s a place where I keep my personal journal, recording how I feel about the journey and write down my favorite meals, recipes and workouts. It’s a place where I can connect with other women on the same journey and give and receive encouragement.
Without ClubFYM I would have given up long ago, like I always do. Even though her program is the best, and I get more good food than anywhere else, losing weight and getting stronger is hard work. Sometimes I don’t feel like making good choices. And after so many bad choices in a row, I feel like giving up. But the FYM girls understand this and encoruage me through it. I can do this, and you can too.
I think my favorite part about club FYM are the challenges. There are 4 (at least) a year and are free for club members to participate in. If you are taking part in a contest you have short homework assignments 3 times a week to help stay on track. And you get lots more of Holly in the form of live video chats and teleconferences. Here’s my motivation board which was one of my assignments from this challenge:

I whole heartedly endorse Fit Yummy Mummy. I even tried to get my dad to join, lol. If I love you a lot, I’ve mentioned it, because it has made my life better. And I want you to have some of the happiness I’ve found.
Disclaimer: Because I like FYM so much, I signed up as an affiliate. I make a commission from the sales of her ebook (only if you purchase through the button on this page) but not from the sales of the club FYM membership. I would have written this post even if there were no affiliate program, but I wanted you to know.