Update: I just fixed the comments so that you don’t need to log in to comment. Just your name and email is sufficient.
I’m so excited to be participating once again with the Nester’s Semi-Annual Giveaway Day. Your chances of winning are fantasic since I will be selecting 5 winners! It’s easy to enter to win one of our great products, simply leave a comment with a tip for a baby (I’m due in 2 weeks!) or tell what you’d like to win or both. Also you’ll want to “like” The Grocery Shrink on facebook. You can be updated on our new blog posts easily that way.
The giveaway is open from April 5th through Midnight on Sunday April 10th. I’ll select the winners Monday morning and notify everyone.
Here’s what I’m giving away:
1. 3 Winners will receive one of my Ebook trio sets! These normally sell for $12 each, but the value is much greater. Here’s what you’ll learn:
A new shopping and thinking method to feed your family for $50 per person per month, how to apply the ideas to a debt free Christmas, and 31 tested Healthy Slow Cooker Recipes for busy nights.
2. 2 more Winners will receive a $20 gift card to my Etsy store. You’ll find sewing patterns for nursing and maternity, ebooks, and ready-made baby slings in designer twill prints.

Hi Angela,
tip: much love, warm bed , babymassage and nice music. Song form Mommy.
Feed him when he’s hungry, change him when he’s wet, and hold him when he cries. 🙂 It’s about that simple!
No tips, as I’m not a mom yet. I would love to win an ebook set though.
Advice I give new Mommis that I know is: Own a hand-held shower head! There will be more times than you can count when an entire box of baby wipes is not going to get the job done, and neither is a soak in a bath – you need to be able to strip baby, lay baby down on a towel in the bathtub and shower them off! When they’re little it’s the poooos that the diaper just can’t hold and get all over baby, when they’re older it’s the messy eating and eventually, it’s the mud and grime they love to play in outside. Can’t live without it! Excited about the giveaway!
Tip: love and snuggle him as much as you can. the time truly flies by.
relax and enjoy the moment
Much love and patience! 🙂
lots of love
You will only need about 1/100ths of those gadgets at the store that they say you must have. If oly I had known that fact with our first baby, lol!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Enjoy the quiet time in the middle of the night! I will be right with you in May!
would love to win the ebooks!
From the time baby comes home, make sure that you have a fairly noisy house during sleeping times (at least those when you are awake). Talk on the phone, have the TV on, keep moving around. Baby will quickly learn to sleep soundly without absolute silence. Blessings to you and your new bundle of joy!
Aw, a new baby! What a blessing! Here’s my tip (although it’s unlikely you need it after having 5, and I’ve only had 3): Nurse as exclusively as possible. There’s nothing more comforting and nurturing for a baby than to have Mama’s comforting skin close by :).
I think the best thing I learned about taking care of babies with my two was to simply turn off the computer, ignore the phone and simply sit and enjoy them for at least an hour or two a day – not because they needed fed, rocked, changed, soothed… but just because of how much love we had to share.
Don’t forget to smile and take pictures!
i am finding that less is more with a new baby. all of the “stuff” they come with gets overwhelming. you are all they REALLY need.
I’ve heard that getting lots and lots and lots and lots of sleep now and taking every advantage to sleep before the baby comes is a big one. People should also tell you to get all the sleep you can before your senior semester in college. I’m graduating in 2 weeks (when your baby is due!) and I feel like I’ve been staying up all night with a crying baby – except the baby is the paper and I’m the one doing the crying, ha
I just had my 4th baby 2 weeks ago. Congrats to you! I doubt you need any tips!
I would love to win the ebook set~ any tips on saving money and cooking are much appreciated!
My husband and I are in seminary, and learning how to shrink our grocery budget! The ebooks would be awesome!
and I liked on Facebook! 🙂
I would so love to win those ebooks!
Tip for a new baby? Boudreaux’s (sp?) Butt Paste! 🙂 My church ladies cracked up (no pun intended!) when I put this on my baby registry! It works wonders though!
I’m not a mother, myself, but… Cherish every moment, every cry, every sleepless night. They grow up so fast, and you’ll be wishing to go back to diapers. Patience and love, is all you need!
set a schedule with baby as soon as possible – it makes life easier (especially for babysitters so that you can get out!)
Tip for a new baby (we only have one right now:) ? Well, I just saw in a previous comment that you have 5 kids already so I think maybe I’d better ask for your tips!!
The Etsy certificate would be great!
Treasure every moment because they go by so fast!
Congrats on the new baby. My tip, as a mom of 4, would be to make sure you enjoy your baby. As you know by now they grow oh so fast.
I would absolutely love to win you ebooks.
Thanks! And for tips….I couldn’t live without my baby slings and Ergo! Love love love them and recommend them to everyone I know!
OK, so I REALLY need your books… I am spending $400/month on groceries for 2 people… ridiculous!!!
already subscribe to your blog and love it. would love to win some of your ebooks.
snuggle as much as possible!and i love ann voskamp’s advice about drawing close to a child when their behavior most repulses you – they probably need your love more then than at any other time!
hope i win!
I don’t have many tips yet…my first baby is due today, but it’s stubborn! 🙂 I can pass on a tip I’ve gotten, though. My friend tells me that if you are having trouble calming your baby you should hold it skin-to-skin and it works wonders. I’m excited to give it a try soon, hopefully it helps! 🙂
p.s. I would LOVE to win these books!
Would love to win!
Tweeted too!
Hi Angela – Congratulations.
Here is my tip: Place a 12 month calendar above the area that you change baby’s diaper with a pen attached. Take a few seconds every day, while changing the baby, to write something fun they are doing that day. With more than one child it so hard to keep a baby book, but this will be a nice record that is dated already to look back on and enjoy in years to come. I did this for more than the first year, and love to look back on them. I hope this helps.
I would love the ebook trio to help get us to $50 per person.
Brandie, I love this! What a great idea.
Never bring hard baby toys to church! 🙂
Best thing we ever did with our kids is start them on a sleep routine as early as possible (usually within the first month). It has been great for the kids, but even better for mom and dad to sleep at night. 8 hours or more of sleep at night by 6 weeks (maybe 8 weeks if we were not as diligent) = heaven.
We’re still working on the baby part so I don’t have much advice. But I would so love the Etsy gift cards! Your shop looks great!
Great giveaway! I haven’t had a baby yet, so I can’t give any advice in that department. But we’re hoping to add to the family soon! 🙂 I would love the books you mentioned. I def need help on how to grocery shop for less. Thanks for the giveaway. 🙂
lots of love
I loved having a recliner close by for those night time feedings. I’d usually doze while the babies fed, then i could more easily go back to sleep when they were back in their bed.
Well, I’m not a mom yet (but hope to be in a year or two)! But I would love to win either prize!
That whole cliche about them growing up too fast is so true. My oldest will begin high school in the fall and it truly feels like she was just a toddler. Cherish the daily!
Great giveaway.
I’m not a mom yet… but I’m sure you will be amazing!!!
An ebook set would be awesome!!
Tip: Cherish it. You will get all kinds of advice from everyone and their sister- all you need to know is to cherish that time with your baby. Mine is 17 months now and I can’t believe how fast time has gone. I’d give anything for a few more newborn snuggle fests!
Yay!! Babies are precious and the only advice I have is love love love them – it goes so quickly and is such a gift!
tip for baby – if at all possible sleep when the baby sleeps. Don’t do the dishes or clean up something. It will be there when naptime is over.
My advice is to enjoy EVERY SINGLE MINUTE. Remember “this too shall pass” with the difficult times & try not to wish away any of it. My kids are now 20, 18 & 16 & I wish I would have savored more of the little things. Congrats on your new bundle & thanks for the chance to win.
My baby tip is to do whatever works best for you and baby, no matter what anyone else says! I have a 7 and a half month old and I have discovered that what works for everyone else will not necessarily work for my sweet boy. Every baby is different and you can’t compare.
I’d love to win!
Tip: eat, wake, sleep, eat, wake, sleep…
also, sleep when he/she is sleeping, and always remember: Your baby may be cute, but YOU are beautiful!