Update: I just fixed the comments so that you don’t need to log in to comment. Just your name and email is sufficient.
I’m so excited to be participating once again with the Nester’s Semi-Annual Giveaway Day. Your chances of winning are fantasic since I will be selecting 5 winners! It’s easy to enter to win one of our great products, simply leave a comment with a tip for a baby (I’m due in 2 weeks!) or tell what you’d like to win or both. Also you’ll want to “like” The Grocery Shrink on facebook. You can be updated on our new blog posts easily that way.
The giveaway is open from April 5th through Midnight on Sunday April 10th. I’ll select the winners Monday morning and notify everyone.
Here’s what I’m giving away:
1. 3 Winners will receive one of my Ebook trio sets! These normally sell for $12 each, but the value is much greater. Here’s what you’ll learn:
A new shopping and thinking method to feed your family for $50 per person per month, how to apply the ideas to a debt free Christmas, and 31 tested Healthy Slow Cooker Recipes for busy nights.
2. 2 more Winners will receive a $20 gift card to my Etsy store. You’ll find sewing patterns for nursing and maternity, ebooks, and ready-made baby slings in designer twill prints.

Mother of 4 here. I would say this: do not underestimate psychosis that results from lack of sleep! Get as much as possible.
Let’s see, my tip for a new baby would be to read Babywise by Ezzo. We followed his principles and my son was such a great sleeper and a very happy baby!
My baby advice: Allow your older children to help out as much as you can. This allows them to feel included and they bond more with the new baby. Praying for a healthy baby and delivery! 🙂
Sleep when they sleep and sit quiet and still and just study and watch their little faces when you are holding them – it goes by SO fast! Thanks for a great giveaway!
I have the trio of books so definately the gift card. I would love to leave a baby tip but I only have 3!! I guess one thing to remember is when I have to get up in the middle of the night ( my youngest is 8 weeks) is looking back at how quick all this goes by and how precious babies really are!! No matter what age!
Don’t always have it quiet while your baby sleeps or your baby will be a light sleeper!
I think everytime I come home from the hospital, I always have the feeling of what do I do now?
No matter how many kids I have.
Then I remember God has created me to do this and He will help me raise this tiny newborn.
Enjoy and know that God will be with you every step of the way.
let the little things go like making sure your house is spotless, etc and take time to just sit and enjoy them. also, don’t read the baby books 🙂 they only stress you out!!
My tip is to remember that God will show you the way to parent. Everyone will have lots of advice, but your child is an individual and the Spirit will guide you.
My advice is to take all advice with a grain of salt and do what works for you and your one-of-a-kind little one. We had the hardest time getting our daughter to sleep until we, **gasp!**, put her to sleep on her tummy. She’s been sleeping like a, umm, well, like a baby ever since 🙂
My first tip is to have your support system ready to be on duty! My second tip is to enjoy the ride!
I don’t have a tip…cause I don’t have a baby! I’d like to win the ebooks.
My tip is to just enjoy every moment with that newborn – they don’t stay that way very long! I would be very interested in the slow cooker recipes. Our days are getting busier and busier! God Bless!
I also liked you on facebook!
I saw that someone else posted it already, but I agree too much to not echo it. “Babywise” has been one of the best read books for me since becoming a mom (I now have a 4 month & 17 month old). I got them both on schedules asap and have had my oldest sleeping 12 hrs since she was 9 weeks old and my little man sleeping 8-10 hrs at night since 3 months old. BTW — I would LOVE the trio set. I know I could learn a lot from it!
I’ll tell you what I wish someone had told me – listen to your Mommy Instinct. Books don’t even have a clue. You’re the Mommy – you know best. Those books were mostly written my men anyway. LOL
baby tip …… the best thing we did was have our baby sleep in her own room at night …. it just worked for us
You know your baby and your situation the best, so like someone said previously in these comments, take advice with a grain of salt. Also, don’t be afraid to seek out help and advice if you need it, but just remember, you know your baby best. 🙂
My tip: be a babywearer. I wore my first daughter in a sling once in a while, but my second daughter was worn in a ring sling daily. I loved it and so did they.
Seeing that I only have one baby I don’t think I have much in the way of advice, but there are two things I like to remember. 1. Cherish every moment with my little one. 2. Pray for him.
Take time for yourself!!! You are a better mom when you are rested, enjoy it when someone wants to help out with baby. Good luck with the new baby soon!
Oh this is just the best giveaway! I would be so excited to win!
Savor the little moments…they go by too fast!
I would love the trio of books! My children are teenagers now, but my tip would be to invest in a good baby sling (to free your hands for other things) and start reading to your little one right out of the gate. We had story time while they were having their last nursing at night and both of my children turned out to be veracious readers!
Wow! I haven’t had babies in over 24 years! I can’t think of a great tip other than at a young age, I started feeding mine the last bottle of the evening with some rice cereal. It was the perfect addition to help them sleep longer through the night. But….I think Drs. now wouldn’t recommend that. It worked for me though! And my kiddos had no problems.
Best wishes to you!
I’ve had my eye on your ebooks for some time now! My baby tip would be to let the older ones hold the baby LOTS … gets out the “Can I hold the baby? Can I hold the baby?” thing out of their systems!
Baby tip…enjoy every moment of it – my son is 15 months old now and it feels like we were just leaving the hospital yesterday, it goes much too fast!
I’d love to win some of the sewing patterns for nursing/maternity/slings.
My tip: Do what your instincts tell you to do or don’t do.
I don’t have any tips… I haven’t had a baby, yet! But I’d love to win the gift card for your etsy shop! 🙂
My tip would be to trust your instincts when it comes to your baby. Whether they are crying, sick, happy, hungry wet or whatever, you are the one who will be able to tell what is wrong. Books and tips from other moms and specialists are great, but nothing beats Mommie’s instincts.
For instance, when my girls are getting sick, I can tell before they start to show forsure symptoms. I can tell if they are going to get a fever by how they are acting and touching them. Their skin will feel dry even a day before they get a fever. mom always knows best!
My favourite thing I have every read about being a new mom:
Cleaning and scrubbing can wait till tomorrow,
For babies grow up we’ve learned to our sorrow
So quiet down cobwebs, dust go to sleep
Because I’m rocking my baby and babies don’t keep!
If it’s me, the e-book, cause I’m in Canada!
Best wishes to you and your family and your soon to arrive bundle of joy!
I’m not married and I don’t have children, but I do have baby advice: HAVE THEM! More babies are still needed in this world. 🙂
I know others have said this, but my tip is to trust your instinct. It’s there for a reason!
I think the best tips always center around sleep – but, I highly suggest to teach them young to be good sleepers! It will be a blessing to you and will keep them healthy later!
baby tip…take all the help you can get (especially if anyone offers to help with laundry or cooking :)).
Would love to win! Enjoy them while they are little – you can’t spoil them too much then! =)
Baby tips: Be intentional with every moment – it’s all a previous gift. (Personally, I know it’s also undeserved, which makes it that much more amazing.) And, when the baby naps, do whatever it is you’d like/need to do: sleep, read, rest, work out, or (if it really helps your sanity) get things done!
Thank you for this opportunity! Your eBooks look quite useful.
Let the older children help! Would love either of those fabulous prizes!
My baby advice would be to always talk and sing to your baby; it will demonstrate love and create a good habit of communication.
I would love the ebook set!
Congratulations on the soon to be new little one in your home. I have a seven month old and my advice is just to hold them, sing and tell them how much they are loved. The time goes waaay too fast, cherish this time with them while they are so little.
I’d love to win the giftcards to your Etsy shop!
not a baby tip, but store it away until you need to discipline: let your consequences do the yelling for you 😉
I have a 2yr old and a 3mo old and here is what has kept me sane: BabyWise, and the basic schedule of eat-wake-sleep. Congrats on your new baby!!
Wow! 2 weeks already?!
My words for you- don’t sweat the small stuff (cluttery house, etc) my home got noticably more cluttered after baby #2 arrived….don’t stress it and enjoy every second with your babes 🙂
My new baby tip would be to not schedule or plan anything for the first couple of weeks. Just spend that time enjoying and adjusting to your baby and do things on your own/baby’s schedule.
Never, ever, ever feel guilty for sitting down and snuggling that baby. The dishes/laundry/cleaning will wait! =)
Remember to make this littlest one feel as special as the first one was and is.
Just enjoy the little moments, and don’t stress about the house, dishes, etc. You will get your own footing eventually, and you can always clean later, but you can’t enjoy them the way they are now…
If baby’s daddy is in the picture, make sure he gets as much bonding as you. Learn together.
Well, I don’t have any children so I’m sure I can’t offer much in the advice department. But I’d really like to win the ebook trio!