Update: I just fixed the comments so that you don’t need to log in to comment. Just your name and email is sufficient.
I’m so excited to be participating once again with the Nester’s Semi-Annual Giveaway Day. Your chances of winning are fantasic since I will be selecting 5 winners! It’s easy to enter to win one of our great products, simply leave a comment with a tip for a baby (I’m due in 2 weeks!) or tell what you’d like to win or both. Also you’ll want to “like” The Grocery Shrink on facebook. You can be updated on our new blog posts easily that way.
The giveaway is open from April 5th through Midnight on Sunday April 10th. I’ll select the winners Monday morning and notify everyone.
Here’s what I’m giving away:
1. 3 Winners will receive one of my Ebook trio sets! These normally sell for $12 each, but the value is much greater. Here’s what you’ll learn:
A new shopping and thinking method to feed your family for $50 per person per month, how to apply the ideas to a debt free Christmas, and 31 tested Healthy Slow Cooker Recipes for busy nights.
2. 2 more Winners will receive a $20 gift card to my Etsy store. You’ll find sewing patterns for nursing and maternity, ebooks, and ready-made baby slings in designer twill prints.

Live your life WITH your children! Dont let them rule your world, do what you love, and they will learn, love, and enjoy the things you do as much as you do. My kids already love to HIKE and they are 3 & 5, but we made that a part of our life early on and they love it!
Awww, no sweet babies for me at this time, but congratulations to you-
enjoy every precious moment! Take a lot of photos of you and baby,
and baby and the rest of the family-these will be so treasured and enjoyed-
family will love seeing the baby’s growth and progress.
It looks like your ebooks have a lot of great info-I would love to win them.
Thanks for the giveaway. I wish you and baby and family much joy!
That $50 per person per month thing sounds pretty good to me. I’ve been spending way too much on groceries lately for our family of 6.
And congratulations on the soon to arrive baby. My only advice would be to sleep, sleep, sleep whenever you can!
I’m sure you could give me much more advice than i can give. I currently have a 3 month old. She loves to be worn in a Maya Ring sling or a Moby wrap. I would highly recommend a carrier. It is the one place my colicky baby will sleep when we’re out and about. Good luck with your new little one!
my tip is easy…Love them!
I’m hoping to win!
My best baby tips…
Sleep is better than a clean house.
Don’t stress out about what your kid does or doesn’t do compared to other kids.
Don’t let other Mom’s compete with you. Just nod and smile when they tell you how great their kid is. You can’t win and you only make yourself nuts trying to one up them.
Good Luck with the baby. I am excited to find your site…off to check it out!
Swaddles and pacifiers are good things!
what an awesome giveaway! Thank you for sharing your wisdom and experience to bless otherS!
And I DEFINITELY recommend a Moby wrap! There are so many benefits to babywearing, obviously, and the Moby is so stretchy and warm and PERFECT for newborns transitioning from the womb to the world!
We also cloth diaper and LOVE it!
Well, my little one is only three-weeks old, so I feel ill-qualified to offer advice, but one trick I’ve learned in burping…instead of the traditional rapping on his back to illicit those coveted escapes of air, I sit him in my lap with my hands under his arms, supporting his head – by gently pulling up and dancing to a happy song this way, his back elongates and I’m assured of at least 2 or 3 good burps out of my sweet boy!
Sleep when they sleep (at least, at first)!
my only real advice is to try not to control it all – no one expects you to be supermom other than you 🙂 Love them and enjoy your new family !
Thank you for your inspiration to honor God with our resources. I feel blessed to have found your site and inspired to save money in ways I had necer thought of before. Congratulations on your coming little one. Praying for an easy transition for the entire family. What a joy!
The best advice I ever received: never pass up an opportunity to take extra napkins! You can’t have too many with kids around.
I’d love to win the ebooks, though the items in your easy shop are really cool, too.
I would absolutely love to win the ebooks, I’m always looking for ways save on my grocery bill and I’m getting more into natural cleaners now too. I even started a compost bin last week and it’s fun!
Don’t always rock your baby to sleep…let them learn to go to sleep on their own. Congrats on that new baby coming soon!
The Moby Wrap is a great thing, especially when the baby is little and just wants to be snuggled. I would LOVE either gift…but I am especially interested in your books to help my family out. Thanks
This is a very exciting time for you and your family!! -Even though this is not your first rodeo!! Each pregnancy is special I think. My best advice is do what feels right to you and what works for your family! There are many many books, blogs, websites-you name it that offer wonderful advice, but sometimes the advice just doesn’t work in your situation! Your a great mom and doing your best is all anyone could ever ask for. All children need is love!
Not sure there is a baby tip I can offer that you haven’t already implemented or heard about. I only have four kids 🙂 Newborn tip is to get thos baby mitts, or to keep baby in gowns that have the fold over hands to protect their little faces from those sharp newborn nails!
My other tip that has more to do with mommy is to let the nursery keep the baby at night so you can get some sleep. I’m the type who hears every little sound, so I get NO sleep if the baby rooms in at night. And a mom who has just given birth is already sleep deprived, especially if she labored throught the night. I roomed in and I allowed the nursery to keep at night. Part of me felt like a bad mommy for “giving” my baby to someone else. But I rationalized that I had the rest of my life to get up with her at night, and I wasn’t going to have any luxury of rest once I got home – not with more than one little bit to care for. I was a much better mommy when I got home with those few extra hours of rest I got with the nursery listening to my babies night sounds instead of me!
Baby tip: Enjoy the moment. Remember life is always progressing and changing. It won’t be long ’til it will be hard to remember what it was like to change diapers and cuddle with your little one.
Treasure every moment with them they go by so fast and use the ultimate parenting handbook, the Bible.
My advice is to find an experienced mom who has had several children and has enjoyed them (so she is positive and not negative about parenting). Ask her if you can call her for advice (maybe at odd hours of the night in an emergency?).
In my opinion, an experienced mom beats a doctor any day!
Jill Farris (mom of 8 who wishes I had had a knowledgeable positive role model when I was a new mom)
Great comments so far, here’s my tip – if you child is sick, and you choose to let them sleep with you, be sure to put a towel or something underneath them. It is tough enough waking up in the middle of the night with a sick child, so much worse when you have to change your bed at 2:30 am, an hour after you had to put thier bed in the laundry! Yes this happened last week. 🙂
Good luck everyone, and God bless!
Excited about the giveaway!
Do what makes Mom happy and your children will be happy because you are happy.
I have 3 grandkids and really enjoy them, I wish I would have taken more time to enjoy my children when they
were growing up. Just slow down and enjoy them while you can.
And if you use disposable diapers, Amazon Mom’s subscribe and save gives 30% off diapers and wipes and 15% off a bunch of other things for baby! Free shipping. It has been the best for me and the cheapest I have found for disposable diapers!
I would love to win! I am just starting with your information!
You can never hold your baby too much!!
Thank you for what you do.
Allow your older kids to take on some of your responsibilities so you can rest after the baby comes. It might not be perfect like you want, but you’ll be rested and the chores, will for the most part be done. 🙂
I have three kids and they all were so different. Each one had different needs and wants when they were babies. I tried everything possible. The one thing I can tell you is love them as much as you can when they are little because they grow up so fast and then don’t need mommy as much and I think that is the hardest thing to get over. It was for me. So cuddle, hug, hold, kiss, and admire them as long as they will let you.
Jeanna @ dramaqueenseams.blogspot.com
ps. good luck!
Appreciate every moment. It’s been over 7 years since we have had a baby around here and we are going to spend more time appreciating it all. I am going to try to even appreciate getting up in the wee hours of the night!
Good luck with the baby! Just love on your baby whenever you can!
My baby advice is to write down the cute things they say or do! You think that you’ll remember everything, but you won’t!
Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!
My tip is when trimming little baby fingernails opt for a good pair of cuticle scissors instead of regular fingernail clippers! It is so much easier and you don’ t ever have to worry about accidently clipping of the end of their precious little finger! I learned this tip with my third baby and will never go back!
For a baby with diaper rash/redness that won’t go away, mix 1/2 cup cornstarch, 1/2 cup baking powder and 2 T cinnamon together. Sprinkle over diaper area (a salt shaker works well) at every change. Its cheap, easy, smells good and safely clears up rashes!
When my children were infants, I would talk to them about manners, sing them songs, count, do ABC’s and things like that. They are used to your voice from being in the womb and are comforted by it. Also, some fussy little ones become quiet if you walk around with them and point out pictures and things on the wall, it’s a distraction for them.
If your baby has hiccups: put a small amount of water in a spoon and put it to their tongue to swallow. Works every time!
What a precious gift from God your baby is! My best advice is to raise him/her up according to the best advice ever given-a wonderful instruction book given to us from the Lord- the Bible! His advice will never grow old or lead you astray.
Thank you for this fun idea! My advice is to snuggle up and read at least one book a day with each child (or all of them together!) Also to take a few moments once a week to pray over each child while they are sleeping – just waiting on the Lord and praying what He puts in your heart to pray for them.
Have fun doing both! :o)
Write a diary for your children. In the diary just write what you were feeling and what was the childs milestones were at that time. Its amazing to go back and re read it later. Also, alway express how much you love your child and value them. They will read this later in life and VALUE it so much.
Savor every moment and hold your baby as much as possible. Everything else can wait (well, except your other children and husband). Enjoy your blessing!
Never let the baby sleep in your bed you will get no rest and the baby will get used to it and you will have a hard time getting your “marriage bed” back. Also enjoy every moment. I am having my third child this July and am so happy to be doing it all over again.
Don’t forget the pictures! I’ve noticed that I have fewer pics of my younest than with my oldest. Journal about the little steps they make. It’s amazing how time flys. I remember so many times I would say, I have to jot that one down, that was soooo funny. Then I forget to write it down. Carry a little journal in your purse, that way you can jot it down as soon as it happens. I pray that you leave a lasting legacy for your children.
Enjoy every second. Also, there is no such thing as too many pictures 😀
My advice is that EVERYONE has advice!! Everyone will have an opinion of what you should be doing, what you aren’t doing and how to be a better mother. Listen, smile and do what YOU feel is best for your children and treasure each and every moment of motherhood!! Congratulations!!
Whether its your first child or fourth, remember that your child will only experience THIER first (rollover, steps etc.)…once.
Celebrate all the first experiences…you won’t get another chance.
My advice is to learn all you can before you give any medications and vaccines to your precious child. You are your child’s greatest advocate. Follow your God given motherly instincts. Ask many questions and if they are not answered to your satisfaction, wait!!
Also write all the cute things and the ages that they do them down. Take many pictures!! Enjoy your little blessing to come!!
Advice… my advice is you don’t need as many ‘baby’ things as people would lead you to believe. Some of this depends on your style of parenting, though. Some form of carrier is awesome, bouncy seat is nice, some simple toys…
Oh, and give them plenty of floor time — it’s soooo good for their development. Our second kiddo has gotten way more floor time then his older sister — but she requires much more attention then he does, and therefore it’s worked out well.
Congratulations to you. Many wishes for a beautiful birth!
My tip: introduce water to your babies when you introduce solids. I always made water the default baby drink. Then, only introduce juice after they have developed a taste for water. Make sure you only give juice as an occassional treat. All my kids are water-drinkers, and have been since 6 months old.
This looks like a great give away! I would love some new sewing patterns!
Dreft stain spray is great. Used with both my daughters and on my own clothes. Loved it.