Update: I just fixed the comments so that you don’t need to log in to comment. Just your name and email is sufficient.
I’m so excited to be participating once again with the Nester’s Semi-Annual Giveaway Day. Your chances of winning are fantasic since I will be selecting 5 winners! It’s easy to enter to win one of our great products, simply leave a comment with a tip for a baby (I’m due in 2 weeks!) or tell what you’d like to win or both. Also you’ll want to “like” The Grocery Shrink on facebook. You can be updated on our new blog posts easily that way.
The giveaway is open from April 5th through Midnight on Sunday April 10th. I’ll select the winners Monday morning and notify everyone.
Here’s what I’m giving away:
1. 3 Winners will receive one of my Ebook trio sets! These normally sell for $12 each, but the value is much greater. Here’s what you’ll learn:
A new shopping and thinking method to feed your family for $50 per person per month, how to apply the ideas to a debt free Christmas, and 31 tested Healthy Slow Cooker Recipes for busy nights.
2. 2 more Winners will receive a $20 gift card to my Etsy store. You’ll find sewing patterns for nursing and maternity, ebooks, and ready-made baby slings in designer twill prints.

Remember, while they are young they step on your clean clothes, leaving prints. When they get older they step on your inter soul, breaking your heart.
Have faith, they grow older and all is well. Just hang in there.
A Grandma
Great giveaway! Probably don’t have a hint or suggestion you don’t already know, but just treasure every moment!
I have found that babies are able to learn sleeping habits. Putting them to bed when they are awake (sleepy, but awake) will teach them to go to sleep without being rocked or held. They may fuss or cry for a minute or two, but the end result will be well worth the tears. They will wake a much happier, rested baby, which makes for a happier mama! My husband and I are attending the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University course, to learn more about saving money and dumping debt, so I would love to win the ebooks! But I also love supporting moms who sell homemade items (my cousin just opened her etsy store this week!), so that would be fantastic as well. God bless!
My tip is to accept any help that is offered those first few weeks.
If you are planning on nursing, just know that it’s completely normal to freak out about your baby not latching, not having enough wet diapers, not gaining enough weight, & crying too much. You will have at least one breakdown that will include crying and strange behavior (I had my husband ask my in-laws to leave). Everyone goes through it, it’s tough at first but you’ll get the hang of it by week 2. 🙂
Our family has really benefited from the Preparation for Parenthood series regarding infants. We have enjoyed finding baby products that are collapsible or foldable to easily create more space in our home, as we’re in a small apartment. I look forward to hearing about your new addition when she or he arrives!
BTW – I’d love to win the Etsy gift card….already own the eBooks, which are great.
Hmm…as far as babies go: Take all the snuggles you can get! another piece of advice someone told me was to remember, this is temporary-when things are challenging keeping in mind that the difficulty is temporary helps you stay sane! 😉 Finally, take all the help you can get from others who are willing to lend support through your transition.
Spend time holding your baby , and have small camera with you at all time diaper bag , purse, pocket for all those great family pics. great budget saving is to breast feed for as long as you can this milk is free and very healthy. alson you can store this milk and save for later.
Blessings and savings
My advice is to keep a Catnip and Fennel Extract on hand to give to the baby every evening, this helps with gas and also to have a calm baby.
A fussy baby equals a tired mom, right
p.s. I never win anything (yet) but had to share this best piece of baby advice!
My tip is when you have some running around to do, dress your baby in comfortable clothes. If they have stuff with buttons ect on them and they are strapped in the carseat, they will get uncomfortable and they are going to be ready to go home way sooner than you are. :o)
Never begrudge time you spend with a child…I took a ten-year maternity leave and have never regretted a minute of it.
If someone offers to babysit for you, take them up on it! I am an empty-nester – it is a treat for me to babysit my friend’s twin four-year-old daughters, but it has taken my friend a long time to stop feeling shy about taking me up on the offer.
Netflix has a wonderful movie called”happiest baby on the block”….it will give you practical tips that seem crazy but really work.
Good Luck.
Get your baby on a routine that works for your family! Lay him or her down awake so they can learn to self soothe! We did this with our first son and he’s been sleepin through the night since about 8 weeks!! We are working on our second son now! He’s on his way!
Thanks so much for sharing your wisdom!!!
When you have to wake up 3:00a.m. in the morning to attend your baby, remember this Bible verse to give you encouragement. Psalm 127:3 “Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him.” He will be right beside you to give you new strength every day.
I think the best advice I recieved was to trust myself…With not knowing what to expect or what to do…Just trust yourself! You are new at being a mama and your baby is new at being a baby…Allow yourselves time to figure it all out!!
ENjoy all the little things…and Swaddle Swaddle Swaddle!!! its a life saver!
Sooo excited for the giveaway also!!! would be too cool to win! i never win!
Oh, sweet baby! Enjoy holding it 🙂 as much as possible
Offer your baby the best nutrition in the world made just for him/her by our Creator and nurse if you can. Best wishes!
Try to enjoy every moment. It is difficult, but when they grow, they grow way too quickly. You may think that kisses will always be exchanged, but they tapper out, which is heart wrenching. So steal as many as you can!
My children are grown. As a matter of fact, my 6th grandchild is due today. 🙂 My tip is to realize that you’re making memories every day. When my 6 children get together, the things they talk about are not the big vacations or holidays we planned, the things we thought they’d always remember. They’re small events, things I never dreamed they’d remember all these years later. Apparently the best memories are the “accidental” ones.
Well, first off…thanks for sharing through your site…it has been very helpful and insightful.
We have a 6 yr old, 4 yr old, and 9 mo old….we are busy as any young family is….but I continually remind myself to enjoy the messes…because this phase of life is truly so short. Even now, it makes me teary eyed to think of how quickly they are growing up and I am the first to say that sometimes I don’t just stop and enjoy the small moments of life. But, I am trying to do that more. So that would be my tip to you and to myself as well —- enjoy each moment!!!
Ohh, I miss my kid’s baby days! Our oldest is graduating from homeschool high school this May! I would say pray for each one daily and ask God for His plan for them and what they want to do when they grow up. That the Lord would help us as parents to guide our kids toward that.
You look amazing and I envy your energy. My energy level is low so always looking for shortcuts. Your e-books would help me so much. Advice: children equate time with love.
I love your emails, i get so excited each time I get a new one, I know it will have some new idea to try. Your slow cooker e-book is rockin’! Be Blessed, as you have blessed me!
thank you!
Enjoy your time with your baby….Life is soooo fast, my oldest “baby” is 23 years old! I honestly don’t know where the time went!!!
Go with your instinct when raising your children. Do what you think is best – the greatest advice definately comes from the Word of God.
If you have a large spill on the carpet, use an extra disposable diaper to soak it up out of the carpet. Works wonderful on pet stains and spilt juice.
The $50/person shopping giveaway sounds GREAT for me and my large family of 7. Especially with 3 teenagers..it seems I can’t keep groceries no matter how much I spend! We are always running out of basics before the next payday/shopping day. HELP!!!
Baby tip. OK, mine is more of a warning. NEVER EVER PUT BABY IN BED WITH YOU! After a very tragic accident involving a dear friend’s family I warn everyone I know who has a baby…PLEASE don’t ever lay down anywhere with your baby…on the couch, in bed, or even leaned back in a recliner…NO WHERE. Baby’s can easily get shifted if you fall asleep and you can roll over on them and suffocate them. This will NOT wake a newborn baby up…so there will be no crying to alert you if you roll over to far on them. This is an extremely deadly but completely preventable accident. I don’t mean to frighten you. But I DO want to spread the word about the dangers of this so that nobody else ever has to suffer what my friend’s family has suffered.
We’re expecting a little bundle, too, and when I think about babies, I think of the lovely way nursing babies smell, and the rubberband wrists once they reach that “sugar meat” stage around 6 months.
Though it does grow harder to find the quiet moments, I’ve always adored resting with my baby, nursing and then dozing off to nap. We schedule sleep after 14 weeks, but during those long, early weeks, we just savor each precious baby moment….with grateful hearts I have not had to return to an office during the time of bonding.
Swaddle, swaddle, swaddle…..I can’t recommend this enough. That’s what Mary did when Jesus was born. “And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes”……… Luke 2:7
What an awesome giveaway! Whoever wins it will be ecstatic, I know I would be! 🙂
Congratulations on the soon arrival of the newest addition to your family. The gift of a baby is so precious. I don’t believe you can hold an infant too much, babies, and Momma’s, need that bonding connection. Some babies are born needing to be held more, and that’s ok. Remember that no matter the advice, tips, or sometimes criticism you’ll receive from others, that YOU are the Mother. YOU are raising this precious babe. Not them. Be courteous with your responses, but remember in your heart that you know what’s best.
I am expecting my 7th baby due in November. My children are ages: 10,9, 8,7,4, and 2. My advice is to do what is right for your family and don’t let anyone pressure you into thinking there is only one “right” way to do things. A family is constantly changing and each time you add a new member to the family adjustments need to be made. Also, make sure you graciously accept the help offered to you. I was so used to being the one doing the helping that it took me three children to actually allow people to bring meals to my home after a baby was born. My pride got in the way of letting other people be blessed by blessing me. Older children can be a big help as well, don’t forget to let them help where they can! Put your feet up and cuddle that little one!
I suggest you put your baby to bed awake, so he will learn to go to sleep on his own. It will save you lots of sleepless nights in the future.
First of all, I want to say thank you for the frugal living tips. I have used alot of them (espically recipies) and have really been able to save money.
My tip for babies would be for older babies, not newborns. When they start eating solid foods, give them fresh foods like a mashed banana or pureed green beens rather than the store bought version. The taste is different and as they get older they are not such pickie eaters!
My one ‘lil tip: Respect your children. That’s not to say that they should have the upper hand, but treating them with respect will teach them how to do the same for others.
When your baby starts to sleep 3-4 hour chunks at night, before you go to bed, feed your baby without waking him and hopefully you’ll get some good dose of sleep. I heard that these feeds are called “dream feeds”. I do that with my 3 month old at 9:30 pm and now he sleeps through most nights until 5am.
I’m a new mom (my baby is 9 mos) and the best advice I’ve received to date was from my pediatrician. She said, “Trust your instincts. You know better than anyone else what is right for your baby.”
I’d live to win the ebooks. Thanks for the chance!
BTW, congrats on your new arrival! 🙂
I already entered over at the Nesters. Cool giveaway!
just had my 4th on march 12th. With two older boys, 11 and 9, and the newborn and 2 year old, I have a better sense of how quickly time passes. my advice would be to embrace each portion on your plate, purpose to be content, and tell yourself “I was created for this” when you are feeling overwhelmed (Ephesions 2:10) . Hold your little ones close, you never know when it is the last time they will ask for a snuggle.
My tip is for moms to get outside and exercise. Sunlight and a walk is my therapy and gives me more energy to homeschool well.
I know you will already know this, but this is my parenting advice as I need constant reminders myself. You know your baby better than anyone. When you think your baby is sick, he is. I always ask my husband, my mom, my dad, the school secretary(who is an awesome woman and I value her opinion), etc…what they think. Then I hem and haw over it, worried that I am overreacting. When I finally take my kids into the Dr, I am always right on.
I would love to win your ebooks!
Always be your child biggest fan, believe in them, love them to pieces, be their inspiration–childhood (1-18) for a Mother goes way to fast. Congratulations on Grant!
My best piece of advise is to try to love your new child like our heavenly Father loves each of us!
I just wanted to say thank you for sharing the way you do & I would love to win the trio of books!
Blessings to you and your family!
I have 9 children with the youngest being 2yo. Over the years I have found a few things that have worked for us. First, I think all couples getting married should buy a king-sized bed! Our infants sleep with us and that way there is plenty of room.
Babies do not need a diaper change overnight-they will be fine till morning. (They do not get sore and they sleep fine.)
Babies can be nursed only on one side at night-your milk production adjusts. We do this for safety as my husband is a deep sleeper.
The BEST tip I was ever given, and I pass it along to every mommy I know with little ones is…
Use celery for teething. It naturally nums the gums and helps relieve teething pain, while giving them something healthy to chew on that won’t come off in chunks because of the stringy fibers.
Just cuddle that baby as much as you can…as you know already, Angela, they grow SO fast!!!
I think after having 5 children the best advice I was given was by another mom. She told me, “Read all the books on raising a baby and talk to friends and then decide what best suits YOU and YOUR BABY and walk that out with no regrets.” That was such helpful advice.
The other very practical breastfeeding advice came from my sister – “When you feel your milk coming down and are still at that time when you tend to leak, just cross your arms and place them firmly across your chest until the feeling passes”. I did this once in the grocery store and pretended to look at different types of cereal so that I would not embarrass myself by leaking in public – worked like a charm!
Thanks for all the helpful info!
When someone offers to help let them, but let them clean, cook, etc. YOU hold the baby. Frozen bagels make great teething rings. If you teach your baby the signs for more, cookie, sleep, and hurts, life will be much easier.
Make sure you take a nap when baby is napping, it will help when you are up during the night. Congrats!