My inbox is full of emails that say something like: “It’s Friday, is everything okay? Did I miss my menu’s?”
I’m so excited it’s Friday! And the menu’s are finsihed. I’m just proofreading everything and they will go out at noon. If you don’t have them by 2pm or so, then check your spam folder and email me. (This also means that if you sign up before noon, you’ll still get your first menu and the bonus!)
This has been a huge labor of love for me. Did you know that I don’t have an assistant? That means when you write me, I read it :). There’s no one between us. Sometimes that means I miss an email–so if you don’t hear from me write again. But that also means I appreciate it when you are gentle with me. There’s no filter on the emails and as hard as I try to have a tough skin, I really don’t. A rude comment will have me out of sorts for far too long.
If you happen to find an error in the menu’s I do want to know. But be kind; be gentle. I’m someone’s mama too :). And know I spent hours and hours each day this week to get ready for this one moment. I’m excited about it, but my excitement is tempered by the knowledge that I’m only human.

Congratulations on your newest contribution, shortly forthcoming. I can imagine it has taken a LOT of time. I am aware that I sometimes write ‘abruptly’ and it can come across very rudely. It makes me sad to think I have ever affected anyones day in such a way–but I am sure to have done so. :-/ I need to proofread longer, before I hit send!! Please know that I appreciate ALL that you encourage others to do! The sample menus were terrific-ly laid out, and though new processes may initially take more time, once they are habit, they can be done much more quickly 🙂
Just got the menu plan and it has exceeded my expectations. I love the bonus recipes, I love the healthfulness, the advanced planning…looks so user-friendly! I thought I would only use some of it, but I’m going full plan except for Saturday, which is our traditional pizza night. Thanks for all the work you put into this! I already can’t wait for next week’s!
Hi – I have tried to subscribe several times over the past few days but it just isn’t working for me – I finally figured out why today – we have amazon blocked with netnanny on our computer and your payment link has “amazon” in it……is there any way to just use paypal?
Thanks so much!
Angelia, Right now Amazon is the only way to pay. You can use your parental controls to navigate around Netnanny, just for the signup. The emails won’t come from Amazon–they come from me :).