Homemade Deodrant?

Am I brave enough to try it? I don’t love the chemicals in commercial deodrant, but I do love smelling great. Now that my older children are entering the deodrant wearing age, I’m wondering if it’s time to find a more natural alternative that works.  As a plus, going DIY is budget friendly too.

There are lots of blogs out there for recipes and instructions and reviews. Here are my top 3:

Angry Chicken

Passionate Homemaking

WholeHearted Mama

Are you going to try it with me?  Interested in a deodrant container coop?

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19 thoughts on “Homemade Deodrant?

  1. Stacy says:

    We use deoderant crystals. They are inexpensive, last a long time, safe, and very effective. I make toiletries, but don’t see the need for making deoderant because of how well deoderant crystals work for us.

  2. Melissa says:

    I have not made my own deoderant, but have to admit I am afraid to. I am going to wait and see what happens to you ladies, LOL! I recently switched to a natural deoderant but it took a few tries to find one that worked well. I also want to be safe but honestly missed the effectiveness of commercial chemicals.

  3. Tanya says:

    I’ve made my own deoderant for about a year. My husband loves it and says it’s the best deoderant he’s ever had. I did buy Toms of Maine last month(I guess I was feeling like I wanted to try something bought again) and you know what? It didn’t work! My homemade deoderant keeps me fresh all day-even in this crazy heat wave!!

  4. Rita says:

    I’m excited to find your blog. I have yet to try a home made deoderant that works so I’m happy to know this one does.

  5. Marie says:

    I’m so happy that you popped up on The Nester’s blog! My husband and I just recently went to a strict envelope system for budgeting, and I’ve been trying to figure out how to slash our grocery spending. I’m inspired and motivated by your blog!

    On the deodorant topic…I tried Passionate Homemaking’s recipe a few months ago, and I love it! I scented mine with a little lavender oil and put it in an old deodorant dispenser. (Tom’s of Maine) It works great! If it will be stored somewhere it will heat up, though, (like when I went camping) I would suggest putting it in a dish/container with lid, because the oil will melt easily and make a mess in the dispenser. This deodorant works better for me than Tom’s of Maine or Crystal!

    I blogged about it here

  6. stephanie says:

    I use equal parts baking soda (1/4 c) and either cornstarch/arrowroot powder (1/4 c) mixed with coconut oil (2-4 T). (You can also add essential oils!) I mash it with a fork until it gets to the right consistency, then put it in an empty deodorant container and it works perfectly! Both my husband and I use it and it works AMAZINGLY well for us – much better than Tom’s of Maine. I have found that once the humidity cranks up in the spring and summer that this needs to be stored in a cool place or the fridge because the coconut oil has a very low melting point. An added bonus is that the coconut oil is naturally antibaterial/antimicrobial!

    (I’m new to your blog and it is fantastic!! Can’t wait to look around!)

    • Angela says:

      The thing about coconut oil is that it is a solid at room temperature and it has microbial properties. You could substitute part cocoa butter or shea butter since they are also solids. The essentials oils are just for added scent and health benefits but you only use a few drops. You can get coconut oil inexpensively at wal-mart. It isn’t the cold pressed organic variety, but I would personally use it cosmetically in this way.

  7. Sheyenne says:

    Alright, I just HAD to pop over here after reading your guest spot on Nester. My husband and I just finished the Financial Peace University course and are pumped about getting rid of the last remaining pesky bit of debt (aka, “Student Loan”) we have. We’ve examined all the ways we can cut back, and grocery/food expenses are by far the greatest amount we spend each month… looking forward to your tips! And thanks for the inspiration! Becoming debt-free is so counter-cultural, I love to hear when people are going against the “norm” and really taking control of their finances in these uncertain times.

  8. Kolein V. Carlson says:

    HI!!! I just “met” you over at Nester’s! Thank you for all that you do and all that you share!!!

    Is there anyway to “follow” your blog so that it appears in my blogroll?

    OK. Love that you make stuff from the earth/scratch!!!! Me too! And I’m always looking for ways to do MORE! Save MORE $ and time! I’m buying all of your e-books and am looking forward to every word in them!!!

    Bottom of the heart thanks,
    ps-I’m a home school Mom, too!

  9. Jules says:

    I’ve made Passionate Homemaking and Angry Chicken’s deodorant, and both worked wonderfully. I would love a container co-op b/c that was the one downfall. Scooping things out with your fingers is no good!

  10. Amy says:

    Just popped over from the nester also… Thanks so much for your article. My husband and I have some credit card debt that we are trying so hard to get out of… I’m excited about the ideas you shared. And… I am all about the natural stuff, can’t wait to hear about your deoderant… please share the recipe!

  11. Melissa Morgner says:

    I just came by from the nester too. Love your blog! I’ve been making my own deodorant for about 9 months and we LOVE it! It works so well and lasts so long. I make ours and put it in baby food jars or shallow canning jars. I know it’s a stretch to get over using your fingers to put it on, but it’s not a big deal. I love seeing the cute little jar in my cabinet. My husband swears this works so much better than the commercial stuff, and he’s a tough sell! I blogged about it here: http://dayindayoutdayupdaydown.blogspot.com/2010/01/fresh-idea-for-friday-finally.html

  12. Jeanine says:

    Can’t wait to try this! Last week my local grocery store had multiple catalinas running on Dove products. Between the catalinas and the coupons, I spent $7 on deodorant and got $19 in catalinas! Yeah! Except I don’t really use regular deodorant because of the aluminum. I figured I’d donate them to a women’s shelter, but now I think I’ll keep a few tubes to make our own deodorant.

  13. Juliwan says:

    I recently found out that Milk of Magnesia is used as a deodorant by many people…no aluminum. Any thoughts on that? Supposedly, you just dab on the MoM with a cotton ball and it works all day. Not sure exactly how it works, but my friend uses it because she’s allergic to all of the natural stuff and doesn’t want to use anything with aluminum. She said it’s wonderful. Just $6 for a big bottle.

  14. julianne says:

    so, i tried the recipe from angry chicken. it is awesome! i have tried several natural deodorants and always end up stinking halfway through the day, plus i still sweat a ton. this deodorant kept me fresh all day, and reduced my normal amount of sweat, even after a couple mile walk in the summer heat. plus it was super easy to make, and i already had over half of the ingredients in my pantry. definitely a great alternative to antiperspirant.

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