Where did June go? Ours went to family camp and swimming lessons. I’m hoping the rest of the summer is a little more…well…lazy. On the blog here, I scheduled to venture into the land of freezer cooking. But first I’m going to run a series on frugal beauty treatments. If you have experience in either subject that you’d like to share, I’d love to carve out a spot for a guest post for you.
The final thought I’d like to leave you with for family month is the importance of sitting down together as a family for at least one meal every day. We do it for dinner, but some other family situations (like farmers) may find lunch or breakfast a better choice. At this meal, eat at a real table without a television. Try to keep the conversation positive and don’t use it for a time to correct behavior for the day. Ask each child a question to answer that will help the entire family get to know them better (like what’s your favorite color and why?) This also might be a great time to read a chapter of an exciting read aloud book together. We like manner’s books and stories such as Little Fella or The Boxcar Children.
To finish up Family Month here’s a summary of all the posts we had:
Getting Children to Sit in Church Re-post

Ohhhhhhhhhh, I LOVE the Boxcar Children!