I love buying spinach at Costco in the 40 oz bags. It’s good quality and cheap, and it’s a LOT of spinach. I use it in my eggs, salads, lasagna, smoothies, stir fries, you name it. Sometimes I still can’t get through the whole bag before it spoils.
While the official method for freezing spinach involves blanching it. I’ve had really good luck, just throwing the bag in the freezer. (I just toss it in when I’m tired of eating spinach.) Once it’s frozen I mash the bag to break the leaves into pieces. Then it’s easy to throw into a recipe.
The idea behind blanching Spinach is to kill the enzymes that continue the ripening process. Freezing slows down but doesn’t stop or kill the enzyme process. As long as you use it up within a couple of months and don’t try to store it for years, you’ll be fine.
The benefit besides the ease, is that it PRESERVES the enzymes that aid in the digestion process. Now toss that into your morning smoothie :).

Who knew?!!