I mentioned yesterday that Darren and I were at a conference together last week and it helped us get on the same page with our family and business plans. While I was there I met one of my colleagues at Mom Ceo, Ashley Finnegan. What a great person! She knows her stuff when it comes to building a successful business and I asked her to share with us some of her thoughts.
First, here’s a little facebook live I did on my MomCeo page about what to look for (and what to avoid) in a work from home situation.
Ashley is a former marketing executive turned work-from-home mom, who mentors other women to create a career that doesn’t take time from their family. I wanted to ask her about her business, MomCEO, and get her expert advice on achieving that perfect work/life balance.
Welcome to Grocery Shrink, Ashley! Can you tell us a little about yourself?
I’m a mother of two, an entrepreneur, and a proud Gainesville, Florida resident. I used to work in the corporate world, but like many professional parents, I eventually became dissatisfied with the strain that my work was putting on my family time.
Now I’m a partner with MomCEO, which makes it possible for women to build their own businesses from their homes. Through MomCEO, I help other women build fulfilling careers on their own terms.
MomCEO caught my eye because it allows you to boost your family’s income without losing quality family time. What’s the secret?
The big secret is that a healthy work/life balance is totally possible with a supportive team like MomCEO. In many professions, it can feel like your job and your family are competing for your time. MomCEO was created to change this.
With MomCEO, I choose and schedule my own hours. I can work from home, part-time or full-time, weekdays or weekends, morning or night—it’s all up to me. This way, I can schedule my work around my family, not the other way around. It’s also such a relief to be working with a team of other committed, entrepreneurial moms who understand that family time is just as much of a priority as work.
What type of work do MomCEO team members do?
MomCEO partners with a U.S.-based manufacturer that produces earth-conscious and affordable wellness products. Our team members educate consumers about how to avoid toxins and choose products for their home that will help them build healthy, safe, eco-friendly lifestyles.
What kind of income can MomCEO members expect?
Since MomCEO launched, it has grown to more than 100 team members across the country. About a third of those women get their primary source of income through MomCEO. The other two thirds work part-time with MomCEO, providing an additional revenue source for their families. Some women want to earn a few hundred dollars a month while others are looking to replace a six-figure income. Each mom has a different financial goal and motivation for joining our team. I help them create an individual plan to accomplish those goals.
What are the best parts of being able to work from home?
Working from home has given me incredible freedom, as a professional and as a mom. Most importantly, I don’t need to go out of my way to make time for my kids. Any time I’m not at my desk is quality time with them.
Before you joined MomCEO, you were working as a marketing executive in the corporate world. Do moms need your kind of background to join MomCEO?
Not at all! Our team members come from all different backgrounds, experiences, and education levels. What matters is that they’re self-driven and passionate about their work.
You can see more of Ashley on her YouTube channel and request a personal call from a MomCeo team member to get more information.

Doing extreme couponing and some miscellaneous stuff to supplement income. I was alot younger and almost 20 years ago when I left the business world, received a cosmetology degree but will not be doing that, only for my family. Would love to just make a little per month but I have no idea what I could do. I will have to read more later. I’m sure I’m not the only mom with these sentiments. Thanks for even getting this on my radar so to speak.