Then we have Laney who is 10. She is our quiet, analytical kiddo that we all want to be like. When she was born we called her the grand baby because she was so easy and still is. Since Laney was so easy we figured we had the parenting thing figured out and went for number 4. We found out quickly it was not our parenting.

Ella our 7 year old is wide open. Everything in life is an adventure and she has us all running to keep up with her.
Before I began working part-time from home I home-schooled our children for 10 years and before that I was an elementary teacher for 10 years. In November of 2011, I found out about MOMCEO from my friend Danielle Ray. At the time I was homeschooling two of our children, plus chauffeuring children to baseball, football and cheer practice. I was very busy, just like everyone, but busy is also a matter of perspective. My friends, Danielle and Brandie McNeal, introduced me to MOMCEO and Sandi Sullivan. At the end of October I met Sandi and realized what she was doing made complete sense. I can remember lying in bed one night and being more afraid of not making the most of the opportunity and teaming up with Sandi and my friends than I was of doing it. My husband, Perry, told me to try if for three months and see what happens.
I had no idea what 2012 would hold for our family nor what my home-based business would come to mean to us financially. In January we hit a major financial snag in our traditional business. It took a huge financial and emotional toil on our family. While my husband battled that, I continued to consistently work my part-time business. Soon I had others that wanted to team up with me. I saw that others had needs greater than mine and my part-time business quickly became about others and not about me. So through 2012, my part-time business paid our bills, kept us from dipping into our savings, kept us from all credit card debt, and allowed us to continue our tithe as a testimony to God’s faithfulness. On top of that, our efforts have blessed others. It truly amazes me how God used us in our need to help others.
Our children have been challenged this year. Being a stay at home mom allowed me to be available to them and to accommodate them and all of their activities. This year they had to pull together to help both me and their dad. They learned that life was not all about them. We started putting monthly goals on the refrigerator and they began to help me with meeting those goals. They give me names of their friends parents and tell me to call them. “Mom, you need to call Anslee’s mom. She is working three jobs now and she needs to do what you are doing. You can help her.”
So, knowing what I know now, what advice would I give someone considering starting a home based business? First of all, know why you would want to do it. It has to be more than just money.
Second consider the timing. I’m not talking about hours in your day. A major life change could be a reason to begin a home-based business or it could make a great opportunity a flop. Thirdly, know and evaluate your business…does it make sense, what does it require financially and timewise. Is it backed by a reputable company. Is it financially sound? And I guess last, will it make a difference to others and do you believe in what you are doing?
With the company I work with I have no doubt that what I am offering to others is the best and nothing compares. I have great confidence in what I am doing and I believe others can do the same.

Thank you for sharing Lori’s story. It makes me think about choices I’ve considered and preparing for the future. One side note, the two links in the article to MomCEO didn’t work properly for me so you might want to check those. I just used your sidebar link and found MomCEO, but you’ll want to check those article links since we all now want to know more!
Thanks, Carolyn. I’ll go fix the links :).
Yes, thanks for sharing! The link worked for me but at the MomCeo website I couldn’t fill out the form to receive more information. I kept getting a error message. Is there anyway that Lori could contact me or give me a suggestion on what I should do at this point? Thanks again.
Sherilan, I’ll pass your info on and have either Lori or Sandi contact you.
Sandi just wrote and said her website form is fixed and she can be contacted at sandinow@hotmail.com