I’ve been shopping my house for things to use in the rooms I am remodeling first. Here’s a $5 garage sale mirror that used to be gold. I spray painted it dark brown with black flecks for my sewing room in my old house.
The brown doesn’t look good in any room in our new house. The filagree on the frame coordinates well with Heidi’s new bedspread. So I painted the mirror silver. (That stuff on the mirror isn’t paint. It’s leftovers from Grant playing with the “other baby.” It cleaned off just fine, lol.)
I felt so fickle painting the mirror again. But I do love it. It’s hanging up now and we have ideas for more wall art for Heidi’s room. When we finished the first round of decorating for Heidi, I wouldn’t let her see any of it. Then we made her cover her eyes and see the room finished all at once.
She had to share her room with her brothers that whole time and it was a big deal to her to get her own space for the first time in her life. She’s 12! I’ve almost always had my own room–so I can’t imagine! We filmed her reaction–and it is so precious. At first it felt too precious to share–but I’m warming up to the idea.
Changing the subject…Tomorrow is my first ever chat with the Grocery Shrink Plus subscribers. I’m nervous and excited at the same time!~We’ll be on the phone together live from 1-2 central time..talking about all things frugal and family. Only those who subscribed to the meal plan get to be on the call. I plan to have some sort of bonus every month for those who are subscribed–old and new! I just wanted you to know that while the meal plan is awesome–subscribers get way more than that. I wouldn’t be happy unless you are blown away at how much you receive for just $1.25 a week. I’m cheap….but I’d pay for this :).

Hi Angela,
I am sooooo excited, I just sugned up for the new Grocery Shrink Plus!!!!! Thank u for being so wonderful I haved learned alot from u and cant wait to start shrinking my grocery bill, we are trying to save up for a trip to Disney Land by next summer!!!!!
Thank u,
Christie 🙂
I enjoyed the conference! The Menu plan is EXACTLY what I’ve been searching for. I pretty sure not only will my grocery bill shrink, but my waist line as well.