6 oz mountain high, 2 Tbs peanut flour, 2 Tbs cocoa powder, 1 Tbs stevia, 1 chopped apple
Oops! This post was supposed to go over to my other blog (centsablyfit.com.) It’s my breakfast :). If you haven’t popped over there this is a sampling of what you will get. Lots of super fast and easy recipes that facilitate fat loss and muscle building. This one was super delicious! I love the combo of peanut butter, chocolate and apples. This one is completely guilt free!

Hi Angela, I was wondering – what is 6 oz mountain high? I live in Australia. I would love to try your menus but I am stumped with things like this. I amazed at what you accomplish with your family. Thanks for all you do.
What is mountain high?
Stephanie and Elaine, Mountain High is just a brand of plain yogurt. Any plain yogurt will do. This particular kind isn’t Greek Yogurt so it is thinner and takes the addition of the powders better.