There are other ways to cook with the sun than in a cardboard box.
Here’s an open reflector. This one can be purchased on ebay for about $30.
This one is made from a reflective windshield covers (the kind designed to keep your car cooler in the summer.)
Here’s a page for making a similar style reflector from cardboard and foil.
This oven is also for sale on ebay for around $50. It fascinates me because it folds down very compactly–perfect for those with small amounts of storage space.
And here’s a video of a man sun roasting a 6 lb chicken in Ontario Canada on a windy day in February! He paid so much for his supplies for his slow cooker that he could have purchased this one and come out ahead (since his didn’t turn out as well as he had hoped.) But I love that it shows you don’ t have to live in Arizona to cook with the sun.

Wow…..did not know about solar cooking. This is nice to know especially if the grill just stops working.
I am teaching a 4-H project next year on outdoor cooking and I hope to incorporate solar cooking during several of the project days. Even though I live in central California where it is sunny most of the time, I’ve never tried solar cooking, just solar drying for clothes and fruit! I’m looking for ideas on how to set this up economically for our 4-H group because our budget is limited. Thanks for sharing.