Simplifying Breakfast

When I was a new mom I had dreams of sitting around the table every morning, with Daddy leading devotions to smiling children memorizing Bible verses set on a backdrop of a hearty home cooked breakfast. I had no idea at the time that we would welcome one baby after another and that I’d have 12 years of rough mornings. We’d be up all night taking turns with a colicky baby and Darren would peel out of bed barely rested, just in time to throw on clothes and dash to work where he had a loaf of bread stashed for breakfast toast.

Read the rest at  and get the make ahead Always Ready Bran Muffin recipe that my family loves.

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2 thoughts on “Simplifying Breakfast

    • Angela says:

      This makes me so happy! You wouldn’t think a bran muffin would be this yummy. Our kids get really excited about them.

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