Warm weather is coming and when it’s humid out, there’s no better feeling than pulling your hair up off your neck. If you have littles or a busy lifestyle, you need a way to do it quickly that will stay. I used to use a circa 1994 claw clip. It is fast and secure, but you can’t lean your head back. Driving in the car is no longer comfy and forget about floor workouts.
Flexi-clips from Holly at Lilla Rose change all that. You get the same fast updo–without uncomfortable bulk on the back of your head.
They are known for staying put, when other clips fail.
The clips are good for a casual half up, or even to dress up a pony tail. They have other hair accessories too, such as jeweled bobby pins, U pins, bun sticks, and headbands.
Holly is representing Lilla Rose to earn money while she stays home to raise her daughter, and generously donated 3 flexi-clips to our Fit-Mama challenge. The top 3 ladies will each get one in their prize package.
I really love this chunky set.
And this headband.
And these pins.
For more hair ideas follow Holly on facebook and shop her store here.

These clips are so pretty! Whoever wins will be blessed!