
Cold, refreshing, calorie free, life sustaining water

Our bodies are 60% water.  We can live for weeks without food, but only a few days without water.  Water is essential for burning fat, eliminating waste from our body, regulating our cooling system, maintaining appropriate blood volume, and keep our skin smooth, supple and wrinkle free.

Our bodies crave water, but we are not always accustomed to the thirst signal.  Many people mistake it for hunger.  If you think you are hungry, try drinking a glass of water and waiting 5-10 minutes to see if you are still hungry.  Your body will also send the hunger signal right before it’s about to burn some fat for energy.  Drinking water will aid the body in burning the fat, and fill your stomach with something so it isn’t so aggravated.  If you can wait a little while before eating, your hunger signal may turn off for a few hours after your body took a snack from your hips.

According to this site increasing your water consumption will decrease your fat, but decreasing your water intake will signal your body to make more fat!

Here’s how it works.  Your liver has several functions.  One is to break down and metabolise fat so your body can use it for energy.  The other is to help the kidneys with their job.  Kidney’s need lots of water to function propery.  If the water isn’t there, their decrease in function tells the liver it’s time to help out.  If the liver is working for the kidney’s it can’t work as hard at burning fat for you.  Source

The more you weigh, the more water you need.  As a rule of thumb drink half your body weight in ounces of water a day.  So if you weigh 200 pounds, drink 100 ounces of water a day.  Or 12.5 cups.  If you aren’t used to drinking water, flavored stevia drops or slices of lemon are natural ways to add a little flavor without adding calories or artificial sweeteners.

Bonus:  If you drink your water cold, your body will burn a few extra calories raising it to body temperature so it can use it.

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3 thoughts on “Water!

  1. jenngerbread says:

    Thank you for all the tips and information! I have been following along since last Monday and have lost 4 pounds this week. I need to lose 96 more pounds and am aiming for 1 -2 pounds per week. I am hoping to be at my goal by January 1, 2012.

    Thank you again!

    • Angela says:

      Jennifer, I am so proud of you that I am just beaming. You keep up the good work. You can totally do this.


  2. Julie says:

    Thank you, Angela, this information on water is just what I have been needing to learn about, I particularly like the drinking schedule that you linked to. I am really enjoying this series you are doing. Thanks for taking the time to do it.

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