I haven't posted for awhile because I'm finishing up a huge custom sewing project for a dear friend's wedding. It has been a blast but all consuming and will be quite an accomplishment when finished. Here's a sneak peek photo:
There are 5 all together and they are all from the same gorgeous silk, but all different styles. The girls developed their own looks from designer inspirations and I did my best with their wishes. Measuring figures, drafting patterns, and 12 mock dresses later, I cut into the silk. 3 are finished, 1 is half done and the last one almost ready to start.
My house is a mess and my cupboard is getting bare. DH is wondering where his Grocery Shrink went and I'm thinking it will be awhile before I attempt a project like this again (even though it was a blast.)
So the next post will be on a nutritious, inexpensive, quick and highly adaptable food I made to keep me sane during these several weeks–tortillas. You'll have to wait until tomorrow since I need to go and use my tortillas to make a quick dinner!