Look what the postman brought today! I splurged on some alpaca and mohair yarn for my mother. This is her BEST color to wear. As most of you know she does so much for me..babysitting, teaching reading classes at my homeschool, babysitting, cooking, babysitting…you get the idea. She's also the best at finding good deals just when I have a need.
She and dad are taking a well deserved cruise to Alaska this spring (and I volunteered to babysit and teach my own children so they could go alone. I know, I know, generous of me.) I thought she ought to have a beautiful moebius shawl to wear on the deck of the ship so everyone could be jealous of her stunnin beauty. They're all the rage–have you heard? http://groceryshrink.typepad.com/the_grocery_shrink_blog/2010/01/do-you-have-a-moebius-yet.html
I'll hold two strands together (one of each kind of yarn) to knit. I'll cast on as soon as I get the flower girl dresses finished!