Homemade Toaster Waffles

I checked the price of Eggo waffles the other day at Walmart, just for curiosity.  I was shocked!  It was about $4 for 10 waffles and they don't even taste very good.  I usually make waffles on a Saturday morning when I'm ready to deep clean my kitchen.  I triple the batch and just keep cooking while I'm cleaning.  As soon as they come out of the iron, I lay them single layer on a cookie sheet to keep them from getting flattened.  Then I set the entire sheet in the deep freeze.  In about an hour they are ready to move to freezer baggies.  They are fairly safe from flattening at this point, though a lot of pressure would do the trick.  On busy mornings, it's easy to pop a few in the toaster for a hot family breakfast. 

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If you don't have a waffle recipe you love, try mine.

2 Cups whole wheat flour

1 Tablespoon sugar

4 teaspoons baking powder

1/4 teaspoon salt

1/4 cup oil

2 cups milk

2 eggs

1.  Combine dry inredients and wet ingredients in separate bowls

2.  Mix together and pour 2/3 cup batter in a belgium waffle iron.  Bake for 5 minutes or until the light comes on.  (If only mine had a dinger too!)

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3 thoughts on “Homemade Toaster Waffles

  1. Andrea Lewis says:

    I just had to try this for breakfast today. Only 2 left for the freezer : ) But our family enjoyed the change from pancakes. Now to clean the kitchen and make lunch.

  2. Sarah says:

    What waffle iron do you have? I’ve tried this before, but the waffle iron either burned them to a crisp or they were gooey in the middle. Could be the recipe I used before, but I’d love a recommendation.

    • Angela says:

      I have a cheap iron from Wal-mart, (I think it was $6 when I married about 11 years ago.) I did find I needed to spray the waffle iron with non-stick spray more often than with a high fat batter.

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