How Much Do You Want It?

I was thinking this morning about how much I want to lose this pregnancy weight.

 I want it so badly that I can bake a huge batch of cookies and not taste one. 

 I can make lasagna for the family and eat grilled chicken over romaine. 

I can bake chocolate strawberry shortcake and only eat strawberries. 

I haven’t always wanted it that  badly.    We’ve all had the uncomfortable situation of hearing a friend or family member say how much they want to lose weight and then watch them eat things that will prevent that goal.  Should we say something?  NO!  They already know it…they just don’t want it bad enough.

The key to will power is a healthy level of disgust.  The #1 enemy to will power is denial.  To be fully committed to change we have to look reality square in the face, acknowledge how gross it is, identify the behaviors that created the situation and plan new ones to take their place.   

What turned the corner for my fitness committment was my before pictures.  I had no idea I looked like that.  Really?  Pictures don’t lie.  What turned our corner in the financial world was writing down all our debts and how long it would take to pay them off if we continued the way we were living.  We looked at our dreams and which ones were attainable with the payments we were holding.  It’s the same method that will get my house perpetually clean, and my children better behaved.  It’s simple, when you think about it.  If only it were easy.

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10 thoughts on “How Much Do You Want It?

  1. Kim says:

    I commend your discipline. (I think I would’ve given in on just one of those:)

    Any thoughts on how to manage the elusive time? That is a beast I’ve been trying to slay for a while, but just get plain stuck (or overwhelmed).

    Thank you so much for your encouragement and practical. I love reading your blog!

  2. Lisa B says:

    Isn’t that the truth about pictures! I’ve made several committments since coming home from the hospital about 5 1/2 months ago but have been battling post-partum depression on a minor level so my weight loss goals kept sliding. Now that I’m finally starting to feel better I’m also remembering that I’m more content with myself when I’m not so heavy and that eating healthy and exercising will help with my up and down moods! This week was my first week of really being committment to losing weight!!

  3. Angela says:

    Lisa, Good for you! I had the same problem with the depression and finally had to take action even though I didn’t feel like it. Taking the action was key to the cure for depression. I still have days when I feel totally overwhelmed and don’t even want to get up. But they are getting fewer and fewer. I look at my before photos every day and have 2 support buddies who are doing the same program I am. That helps a ton too.

  4. Nettie says:

    Totally with you – on the dieting and on debt reduction! Hang in there – both can be accomplished (or so I’ve been told!) 😉

  5. Margie says:

    I am in the middle of a “green smoothie detox”, and trying to lose baby weight. The discipline has been a good lesson for me, and difficult since I’m still making meals for the rest of the family. I only lost a handful of pounds since I had my baby 10 months ago, but I’m down 1/3 of the way and I have more faith in my abilities to resist those cookies…. I am looking forward to being at goal weight, maintaining with an occasional cookie. 🙂 Great entry, Angela! You go girl!!

  6. Angela says:

    Brandy, I’m using Fit Yummy Mummy I like it so much that I signed up as an affiliate with the program. It’s been about 6 weeks for me on the program and I’m still loving it.

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