It's not perfect but it's mine :). I spun a naturally colored white single (from a white sheep) and a single from a brown sheep and plied them together. My kids and I worked together to wind it onto a homemade PVC pipe niddy-noddy. Then we filled the bathtub a couple of inches deep with tepid water, squirted some hair conditioner in, and turned the niddy noddy so it would lay flat. We dipped it in the water until the yarn was saturated, pulled it out and turned the niddy noddy back to the traditional shape. We hung it to dry all day in the shower and now I have this lovely yarn! (All that winding, getting wet and drying was to set the twist. The conditioner was to soften the yarn, but it's still not too soft.)
I hope to have enough yarn to make a potholder, we'll see! It's not soft enough for clothes and I could really use a trivet or potholder. I have a bad habit of catching mine on fire and wool is naturally fire resistant.

Very nice yarn, especially for a first skein! Now you’re hooked…
Ellen (HPF)