Does it sound fancy in French?
We ran out of milk today and my Mother-in-Law is delivering 2 gallons of raw, organic, hand-milked goodness on Sunday and I just can't bring myself to buy regular store milk to tide us over. So instead of the usual tasty-o's and milk for breakfast, I made pancakes. Pancakes are fun because you can use about anything in them for the liquid. We used reconstituted dry milk, but juice or water works too.
Pancake batter will also work in a waffle machine and since there are lots of hungry mouths here, we ran the waffle baker and skillet at the same time.
Pancakes and waffles are full of whole grain goodness and are low in fat and high in fiber, until the time comes to pour on the topping on. Well, today I had an idea. There was half a quart of home frozen peaches in the refrigerator that wasn't going to be fresh much longer. The family was getting tired of seeing it at every meal, so I poured it into the blender with 6 frozen strawberries. While that was blending, I heated 1/4 cup water with 1 packet of plain gelatin and added that to the fruit. The result was a frothy blend of naturally sweet pancake topping that got thicker as it sat. With a little dollop of whipped cream, it was even better. It tasted like spring.
We doubled the batter recipe and had a tray full of pancakes and waffles to freeze. I think I'll triple the batch next time, if I can find a big enough bowl.

HA! We ran outta milk this morning too. But I just gave everyone a glass of juice and some toast with peanut butter! š