I’ve been painting non-stop for 4 days. My mother took my children to her house so they could continue in their studies. Thanks Mom! I wish I could tell you that I can do it all. That when I attempt to accomplish something big that I can hold everything else together. But when I write a book, design a sewing pattern, or do a huge home improvement project, everything else falls apart. This is what I woke up to this morning:
7 AM
We have no clean clothes and it’s dangerous to try to find the bathroom in the middle of the night. So I decided that even though the painting isn’t done, it can wait a day while I dig myself out. Hope to have a better after picture for you tomorrow! But right now, I’m just feeling overwhelmed.
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I have always said, “You can tell the state of my mind by the state of my kitchen!” Glad to know you’re normal! Just got the slow-cook ebook. Thanks! I will pour over it this weekend and make my meal plans!
You are a blessing to me!
Thank you for sharing this! It’s so easy to think that I’m the only one who ever gets overwhelmed and can’t manage to do it all. Nice to know that I share the planet with other human women (as opposed to the SUPERhuman kind). 😉
Thank you for this honest picture! I think blogland has created unrealistic expectations sometimes and DIY is not always pretty. So glad to know I’m not alone!
Thank you so much for sharing this. My house looks like this daily. It’s affirming to know that other women deal with the same thing.
A huge, warm THANK YOU for posting this. I feel normal now!
Thank you for sharing this. It’s wonderful to know I am not alone!
Ha! Just like my house today. Thanks for sharing and letting us all feel like we’re normal, even though we’re all still panicking that someone might ring the doorbell or stop by for a visit. Yikes!
Ah, and I did have 2 visitors so far. Soooo embarrasing, especially since I photographed the best room in the house. If you can even imagine the rest! It keeps me humble. I went to the fly lady site today and they suggested I shine my sink and leave it at that. I think I’m in a little deeper right now and on a time crunch to boot. But on a postivite note..2 loads of laundry washed dried and put away and the dishwasher has been run twice and time to load again.
Thank you SO much for posting this pic! Too often I get caught up in feeling that I have to be superwoman and get it all done… too bad that doesn’t always happen! Thanks for the gentle reassurance that I am normal! ((hugs))
Hey! Did you come over here and take a picture of my kitchen?!
I am in the same boat girlie.
You are not alone! Every time I take on something else my house gets just as scary overnight, sometimes worse. It drives my husband crazy! lol
I appreciate knowing there are other REAL women out there who get behind on the kitchen and laundry. I often put others on pedestals and fail to remember they are human just like me. So I’ll stick with my motto: My kitchen was clean this morning. Sorry you missed it!
Hi! I wanted to let you know that the same thing happens here when I take on a project….which is often! It is just life.
I see that you and your husband are working really hard to get your house ready to sell for more space. We too are in the same boat, except for me not being pregnant right now. I admire your courage to be honest and take on as much as you do! Thanks so much for all of your tips! Cheers!
It’s a good thing that I”m such a Luddite with loading pictures from the camera to the computer otherwise my bedroom would put yours in the “neat and tidy” category! I can’t even see the floor and yet I”m sleeping in there everyday! Clean-up soon! (I hope!)
Heh – I’m with Joan! another hint: I’m trying to catch up on old blog postings, and only now got here!
THANK YOU for posting this message. I felt like I was the only one who got buried alive when I tried to take on something else outside of the “normal” duties of wife, mom, teacher! What a blessing to know that I am not alone!!!